Ergonomic Resources for Work From Home Staff


Several ergonomic service providers are doing their part during the pandemic by providing valuable information and telephonic assessment services for staff who work from home. While some workers may already have dedicated workspaces in their home, many are forced to use the kitchen counter, dining room table, couch or bedroom floor as their new office digs. Regardless of the setting, the tips provided by the following resources are universal and based on standard ergonomic fundamentals. Some of the resources I have found to be of value include:


Free access to self-assessment software from Atlas Ergonomics  

Several one-page flyers on a myriad of WFH topics From Select Medical / Workstrategies 

A comprehensive ergonomic video series from Willis Towers Watson   

A 4-page guide with setup recommendations from AON  

An infographic download from Briotix  

Each of these solutions has great value and is easy to follow for anyone. I encourage you to tap into these resources to ensure your staff has the ergonomic support it needs to prevent any musculoskeletal issues arising from their home office.

If you are seeking physical solutions to support your employees feel free to explore the various ergonomic options available from Summit Ergonomics.